Fixed Payout Jackpot in Futurity SIP (Round 1)             
Jackpot Total = $13362.99, Rider count = 91                                 
     1D Time = 14.233, Placings = 81, Pool = $13362.99                      
                     Not Placed = 10                                        
                               1D Placings                                  
   1st 14.233 $2673.00        Traci Bailey on Starlights Smoke N            
   2nd 14.279 $2138.00        Hallie Hanssen on Frenchmans Dance            
   3rd 14.289 $1737.00        Luke Dunning on TS Famously Shaken            
   4th 14.297 $1336.00        Pete Oen on Perks Of Being Famous             
   5th 14.300 $1069.00        Hallie Hanssen on FrenchmansDiscoRose         
   6th 14.401 $802.00         Sharon Woods on THR Black Pearl Fame          
   7th 14.403 $668.00         Karen Gleason on Red Bull Look                
   8th 14.416 $601.00         Vauna Walker on OceansOfFame                  
   9th 14.433 $535.00         Kelly Conrado on CFour KissmyKasKelly         
  10th 14.434 $468.00         Jenna Duhon on Ima French Girl                
  11th 14.437 $401.00         Taylor Hildreth on Too Chains                 
  12th 14.444 $334.00         Amy Coehlo on JA End Of An Era                
  13th 14.485 $267.00         Cody Hyde on CH Burnin Cheeks                 
  14th 14.500 $200.00         Luke Dunning on TC Fame                       
  15th 14.507 $134.00         Vickie Westwood on Beda Be French             
  16th 14.531                 Jill Atkinson on Fantastic Firewater          
  17th 14.556                 Lindsey Griffin on THR Wood Be Famous         
  18th 14.558                 Marcie Wilson on SlingShot Lane               
  19th 14.560                 Bailey Cline on Ima Honory Guy                
  20th 14.575                 Hallie Hanssen on SR Pistol Packin Anne       
  21st 14.578                 Hillary Van Gerpen on PC Judge CashnLace      
  22nd 14.602                 Jessie Havener on WhooWho ShezTalented        
  23rd 14.622                 Kristin Weaver-Brown on RP DashinOutaMySocks  
  24th 14.638                 Jessie Telford on Take A French Risk          
  25th 14.660                 Marcie Wilson on Our First Goodbye            
  26th 14.677                 Danielle Schleiffers on Special Sugah Jet     
  27th 14.709                 Kelly Conrado on SK IllMakeUFamous            
  28th 14.729                 Rusty Rae Quam on Blaze N Perks               
  29th 14.743                 Serena Randall on Miss Streakin Play          
  30th 14.744                 Desirae Wheeler on TM KeepTheFireBurrnin      
  31st 14.755                 Abby Michaelis on Judge My Talent             
  32nd 14.768                 Cally Goyins on Guyz Dance For Perks          
  33rd 14.785                 Timi Lickley on Hes Furious                   
  34th 14.843                 Cody Hyde on CFour Winnie Me Lots             
  35th 14.870                 Hillary Van Gerpen on PC A Gallant Judge      
  36th 14.893                 DeAnn McNamee on Mean Guys Pie                
  37th 14.900                 Jody Wallen on MC Ladybug Pep                 
  38th 14.922                 Cheyenne Allan on RCA Royal Flush             
  39th 14.927                 Jessie Telford on Guys Dash                   
  40th 14.951                 Vauna Walker on Firewater Ta Go               
  41st 14.963                 Kelley Drake on ALG Hez Gotta Hemi            
  42nd 15.003                 Shelly Murphy on LC JudgeMeNot                
  43rd 15.059                 Amy Coehlo on JA Flits Dry Malbec             
  44th 15.115                 Rusty Rae Quam on Perkin Famously                
  45th 15.184                 Craig Stritzke on Mr Sassy Frenchman          
  46th 15.212                 Dawn Odom on PT Twisted Talent                
  47th 15.221                 Shey Walchli on Lady Bugs Treasure            
  48th 15.228                 Ariel Doughty on LS Grace Came Down           
  49th 15.265                 Cody Hyde on Docs SS Camero Dash              
  50th 15.284                 Josey Auman on RCA The Lady Dealer            
  51st 15.297                 Rachelle Smith-Mose on Ril Cash Queen         
  52nd 15.302                 Kami Ireland on TCross Berry Pie              
  53rd 15.345                 Kendra Pinkowsky on Ta First Doll             
  54th 15.349                 Cody Hyde on CP Tillard                       
  55th 15.381                 Tammy Carpenter on Lion On Fire               
  56th 15.397                 Sierra Ferguson on Eye Like Big Boots         
  57th 15.442                 Rashell Hermann on RCA Good Deal Rolex        
  58th 15.459                 Lisa Groves on ALG Royal Rooster              
  59th 15.464                 Rusty Rae Quam on No Bull Just Fame           
  60th 15.537                 Desirae Wheeler on TM Flashy Sophie           
  61st 15.937                 Rashell Hermann on RCA Honor Roys Deal        
  62nd 16.039                 Megan McLeod-Sprague on Take The Cash Guyz    
  63rd 16.416                 Lana Dacar on BI Watchin Airplanes            
  64th 16.505                 Cathy Morgan on Jets Chasin Fame              
  65th 16.901                 Lisa Groves on ALG Famous Look                
  66th 19.098                 Sue Smith on Hillbilly Bombshell              
  67th 19.338                 Jacqueline Widmer on Tres Times The Cash      
  68th 19.455                 Erica Jaure on Snoops Pearl                   
  69th 19.520                 Shelley Holman on Wood B Fun                  
  70th 19.565                 Jordan Bailey on Frosted Judge                
  71st 19.635                 Tammy Trollinger on Short Way Ta Fame         
  72nd 19.831                 Vauna Walker on French Goodbye                
  73rd 19.913                 Rose Hildebrandt on SL Dashing Dorcey         
  74th 20.110                 Buffy Walchli on Rock O Blazin Fame           
  75th 20.193                 Lana Dacar on SL Silver Dollar                
  76th 20.200                 Hallie Hanssen on Face The Facts Guyz         
  77th 20.307                 Desirae Wheeler on TM Chocolate Hershey       
  78th 20.325                 Craig Stritzke on Guyz Suzy Q                 
  79th 20.380                 Hillary Van Gerpen on Hay Im Streakin         
  80th 21.528                 Vauna Walker on DTF Major Magic               
  81st 23.085                 Viki Friedrich on CJ Streak Of Baden          
SCR    400.000                Stacy Dysart on French Hotcee                 
SCR    400.000                Stevie Rae Willis on Dashing Millie McCoy     
N/T    400.000                Hope Sickler Raley on Roller And A Shaker     
SCR    400.000                Margaret Jones on Miss Run On Fame            
SCR    400.000                Jordan Bassett on Morning Sun Shine           
SCR    400.000                Megan Lewis on Peek At My Fame                
SCR    400.000                Craig Stritzke on Guyz Smooth Amber           
SCR    400.000                Stacy Dysart on Famed By A Rooster            
SCR    400.000                Taryn Bruner on Pay Cash For Gold             
N/T    420.288                Barb West on HI Pockets Fame                  
                 Fixed Payout Jackpot in Futurity SIP (Round 2)             
Jackpot Total = $13362.99, Rider count = 91                                 
     1D Time = 14.037, Placings = 81, Pool = $13362.99                      
                     Not Placed = 10                                        
                               1D Placings                                  
   1st 14.037 $2673.00        Kristin Weaver-Brown on RP DashinOutaMySocks  
   2nd 14.152 $2138.00        Vauna Walker on French Goodbye                
   3rd 14.161 $1737.00        Marcie Wilson on Our First Goodbye            
   4th 14.162 $1336.00        Pete Oen on Perks Of Being Famous             
   5th 14.174 $1069.00        Jenna Duhon on Ima French Girl                
   6th 14.191 $802.00         Cody Hyde on CH Burnin Cheeks                 
   7th 14.225 $668.00         Jill Atkinson on Fantastic Firewater          
   8th 14.226 $601.00         Luke Dunning on TS Famously Shaken            
   9th 14.291 $535.00         Serena Randall on Miss Streakin Play          
  10th 14.293 $468.00         Hallie Hanssen on Frenchmans Dance            
  11th 14.327 $401.00         Craig Stritzke on Mr Sassy Frenchman          
  12th 14.384 $334.00         Vickie Westwood on Beda Be French             
  13th 14.391 $267.00         Bailey Cline on Ima Honory Guy                
  14th 14.432 $200.00         Tammy Carpenter on Lion On Fire               
  15th 14.451 $134.00         Abby Michaelis on Judge My Talent             
  16th 14.570                 Jessie Havener on WhooWho ShezTalented        
  17th 14.599                 Jessie Telford on Guys Dash                   
  18th 14.609                 Vauna Walker on OceansOfFame                  
  19th 14.610                 Hallie Hanssen on SR Pistol Packin Anne       
  20th 14.618                 Luke Dunning on TC Fame                       
  21st 14.645                 Hillary Van Gerpen on Hay Im Streakin         
  22nd 14.657                 Viki Friedrich on CJ Streak Of Baden          
  23rd 14.668                 Dawn Odom on PT Twisted Talent                
  24th 14.676                 Cally Goyins on Guyz Dance For Perks          
  25th 14.678                 Hillary Van Gerpen on PC Judge CashnLace      
  26th 14.683                 Hillary Van Gerpen on PC A Gallant Judge      
  27th 14.774                 Ariel Doughty on LS Grace Came Down           
  28th 14.867                 Josey Auman on RCA The Lady Dealer            
  29th 14.880                 Tammy Trollinger on Short Way Ta Fame         
  30th 14.885                 Sharon Woods on THR Black Pearl Fame          
  31st 14.916                 Sue Smith on Hillbilly Bombshell              
  32nd 14.932                 DeAnn McNamee on Mean Guys Pie                
  33rd 14.934                 Lindsey Griffin on THR Wood Be Famous         
  34th 15.004                 Jody Wallen on MC Ladybug Pep                 
  35th 15.006                 Jessie Telford on Take A French Risk          
  36th 15.042                 Marcie Wilson on SlingShot Lane               
  37th 15.049                 Shelley Holman on Wood B Fun                  
  38th 15.054                 Sierra Ferguson on Eye Like Big Boots         
  39th 15.067                 Kendra Pinkowsky on Ta First Doll             
  40th 15.072                 Cody Hyde on CFour Winnie Me Lots             
  41st 15.094                 Karen Gleason on Red Bull Look                
  42nd 15.148                 Vauna Walker on DTF Major Magic               
  43rd 15.249                 Lana Dacar on SL Silver Dollar                
  44th 15.276                 Megan McLeod-Sprague on Take The Cash Guyz    
  45th 15.283                 Barb West on HI Pockets Fame                  
  46th 15.291                 Shelly Murphy on LC JudgeMeNot                
  47th 15.292                 Kami Ireland on TCross Berry Pie              
  48th 15.411                 Cody Hyde on CP Tillard                       
  49th 15.456                 Lisa Groves on ALG Royal Rooster              
  50th 15.597                 Craig Stritzke on Guyz Suzy Q                 
  51st 15.708                 Cathy Morgan on Jets Chasin Fame              
  52nd 15.740                 Lana Dacar on BI Watchin Airplanes            
  53rd 15.864                 Rashell Hermann on RCA Good Deal Rolex        
  54th 16.031                 Rashell Hermann on RCA Honor Roys Deal        
  55th 16.242                 Desirae Wheeler on TM Flashy Sophie           
  56th 16.592                 Cody Hyde on Docs SS Camero Dash              
  57th 16.627                 Lisa Groves on ALG Famous Look                
  58th 17.028                 Cheyenne Allan on RCA Royal Flush             
  59th 17.128                 Danielle Schleiffers on Special Sugah Jet     
  60th 17.154                 Hallie Hanssen on Face The Facts Guyz         
  61st 17.730                 Kelley Drake on ALG Hez Gotta Hemi            
  62nd 19.054                 Taylor Hildreth on Too Chains                 
  63rd 19.276                 Kelly Conrado on SK IllMakeUFamous            
  64th 19.331                 Timi Lickley on Hes Furious                   
  65th 19.351                 Erica Jaure on Snoops Pearl                   
  66th 19.483                 Kelly Conrado on CFour KissmyKasKelly         
  67th 19.521                 Amy Coehlo on JA Flits Dry Malbec             
  68th 19.660                 Jacqueline Widmer on Tres Times The Cash      
  69th 19.808                 Amy Coehlo on JA End Of An Era                
  70th 19.853                 Rusty Rae Quam on No Bull Just Fame           
  71st 19.934                 Shey Walchli on Lady Bugs Treasure            
  72nd 19.936                 Hallie Hanssen on FrenchmansDiscoRose         
  73rd 20.051                 Desirae Wheeler on TM Chocolate Hershey       
  74th 20.308                 Rusty Rae Quam on Blaze N Perks               
  75th 20.668                 Rusty Rae Quam on Perkin Famously             
  76th 21.082                 Traci Bailey on Starlights Smoke N            
  77th 21.370                 Rachelle Smith-Mose on Ril Cash Queen         
  78th 24.859                 Buffy Walchli on Rock O Blazin Fame           
  79th 25.330                 Vauna Walker on Firewater Ta Go               
  80th 25.643                 Rose Hildebrandt on SL Dashing Dorcey         
  81st 28.716                 Desirae Wheeler on TM KeepTheFireBurrnin      
SCR    400.000                Stacy Dysart on Famed By A Rooster            
SCR    400.000                Stevie Rae Willis on Dashing Millie McCoy     
SCR    400.000                Craig Stritzke on Guyz Smooth Amber           
SCR    400.000                Jordan Bassett on Morning Sun Shine           
SCR    400.000                Margaret Jones on Miss Run On Fame            
SCR    400.000                Taryn Bruner on Pay Cash For Gold             
SCR    400.000                Megan Lewis on Peek At My Fame                
N/T    400.000                Hope Sickler Raley on Roller And A Shaker     
SCR    400.000                Stacy Dysart on French Hotcee                 
N/T    405.545                Jordan Bailey on Frosted Judge    
                 Fixed Payout Jackpot in Futurity SIP (Average)             
Jackpot Total = $13363.03, Rider count = 91                                 
     1D Time = 28.459, Placings = 80, Pool = $13363.03                      
                     Not Placed = 11                                        
                               1D Placings                                  
   1st 28.459 $2673.01        Pete Oen on Perks Of Being Famous             
    Round 1: 14.297, Round 2: 14.162                                        
   2nd 28.515 $2138.00        Luke Dunning on TS Famously Shaken            
    Round 1: 14.289, Round 2: 14.226                                        
   3rd 28.572 $1737.00        Hallie Hanssen on Frenchmans Dance            
    Round 1: 14.279, Round 2: 14.293                                        
   4th 28.608 $1336.00        Jenna Duhon on Ima French Girl                
    Round 1: 14.434, Round 2: 14.174                                        
   5th 28.659 $1069.00        Kristin Weaver-Brown on RP DashinOutaMySocks  
    Round 1: 14.622, Round 2: 14.037                                        
   6th 28.676 $802.00         Cody Hyde on CH Burnin Cheeks                 
    Round 1: 14.485, Round 2: 14.191                                        
   7th 28.756 $668.00         Jill Atkinson on Fantastic Firewater          
    Round 1: 14.531, Round 2: 14.225                                        
   8th 28.821 $601.00         Marcie Wilson on Our First Goodbye            
    Round 1: 14.660, Round 2: 14.161                                        
   9th 28.891 $535.00         Vickie Westwood on Beda Be French             
    Round 1: 14.507, Round 2: 14.384                                        
  10th 28.951 $468.00         Bailey Cline on Ima Honory Guy                
    Round 1: 14.560, Round 2: 14.391                                        
  11th 29.025 $401.00         Vauna Walker on OceansOfFame                  
    Round 1: 14.416, Round 2: 14.609                                        
  12th 29.034 $334.00         Serena Randall on Miss Streakin Play          
    Round 1: 14.743, Round 2: 14.291                                        
  13th 29.118 $267.00         Luke Dunning on TC Fame                       
    Round 1: 14.500, Round 2: 14.618                                        
  14th 29.172 $200.00         Jessie Havener on WhooWho ShezTalented        
    Round 1: 14.602, Round 2: 14.570                                        
  15th 29.185 $134.00         Hallie Hanssen on SR Pistol Packin Anne       
    Round 1: 14.575, Round 2: 14.610                                        
8:09 PM 04/16/18       Barrel Race America, Version 12.7               Page 6  
                 Fixed Payout Jackpot in Futurity SIP (Average)             
  16th 29.206                 Abby Michaelis on Judge My Talent             
    Round 1: 14.755, Round 2: 14.451                                        
  17th 29.256                 Hillary Van Gerpen on PC Judge CashnLace      
    Round 1: 14.578, Round 2: 14.678                                        
  18th 29.286                 Sharon Woods on THR Black Pearl Fame          
    Round 1: 14.401, Round 2: 14.885                                        
  19th 29.444                 Cally Goyins on Guyz Dance For Perks          
    Round 1: 14.768, Round 2: 14.676                                        
  20th 29.490                 Lindsey Griffin on THR Wood Be Famous         
    Round 1: 14.556, Round 2: 14.934                                        
  21st 29.497                 Karen Gleason on Red Bull Look                
    Round 1: 14.403, Round 2: 15.094                                        
  22nd 29.511                 Craig Stritzke on Mr Sassy Frenchman          
    Round 1: 15.184, Round 2: 14.327                                        
  23rd 29.526                 Jessie Telford on Guys Dash                   
    Round 1: 14.927, Round 2: 14.599                                        
  24th 29.553                 Hillary Van Gerpen on PC A Gallant Judge      
    Round 1: 14.870, Round 2: 14.683                                        
  25th 29.600                 Marcie Wilson on SlingShot Lane               
    Round 1: 14.558, Round 2: 15.042                                        
  26th 29.644                 Jessie Telford on Take A French Risk          
    Round 1: 14.638, Round 2: 15.006                                        
  27th 29.813                 Tammy Carpenter on Lion On Fire               
    Round 1: 15.381, Round 2: 14.432                                        
  28th 29.825                 DeAnn McNamee on Mean Guys Pie                
    Round 1: 14.893, Round 2: 14.932                                        
  29th 29.880                 Dawn Odom on PT Twisted Talent                
    Round 1: 15.212, Round 2: 14.668                                        
  30th 29.904                 Jody Wallen on MC Ladybug Pep                 
    Round 1: 14.900, Round 2: 15.004                                        
  31st 29.915                 Cody Hyde on CFour Winnie Me Lots             
    Round 1: 14.843, Round 2: 15.072                                        
  32nd 30.002                 Ariel Doughty on LS Grace Came Down           
    Round 1: 15.228, Round 2: 14.774                                        
                 Fixed Payout Jackpot in Futurity SIP (Average)             
  33rd 30.151                 Josey Auman on RCA The Lady Dealer            
    Round 1: 15.284, Round 2: 14.867                                        
  34th 30.294                 Shelly Murphy on LC JudgeMeNot                
    Round 1: 15.003, Round 2: 15.291                                        
  35th 30.412                 Kendra Pinkowsky on Ta First Doll             
    Round 1: 15.345, Round 2: 15.067                                        
  36th 30.451                 Sierra Ferguson on Eye Like Big Boots         
    Round 1: 15.397, Round 2: 15.054                                        
  37th 30.594                 Kami Ireland on TCross Berry Pie              
    Round 1: 15.302, Round 2: 15.292                                        
  38th 30.760                 Cody Hyde on CP Tillard                       
    Round 1: 15.349, Round 2: 15.411                                        
  39th 30.915                 Lisa Groves on ALG Royal Rooster              
    Round 1: 15.459, Round 2: 15.456                                        
  40th 31.306                 Rashell Hermann on RCA Good Deal Rolex        
    Round 1: 15.442, Round 2: 15.864                                        
  41st 31.315                 Megan McLeod-Sprague on Take The Cash Guyz    
    Round 1: 16.039, Round 2: 15.276                                        
  42nd 31.779                 Desirae Wheeler on TM Flashy Sophie           
    Round 1: 15.537, Round 2: 16.242                                        
  43rd 31.805                 Danielle Schleiffers on Special Sugah Jet     
    Round 1: 14.677, Round 2: 17.128                                        
  44th 31.857                 Cody Hyde on Docs SS Camero Dash              
    Round 1: 15.265, Round 2: 16.592                                        
  45th 31.950                 Cheyenne Allan on RCA Royal Flush             
    Round 1: 14.922, Round 2: 17.028                                        
  46th 31.968                 Rashell Hermann on RCA Honor Roys Deal        
    Round 1: 15.937, Round 2: 16.031                                        
  47th 32.156                 Lana Dacar on BI Watchin Airplanes            
    Round 1: 16.416, Round 2: 15.740                                        
  48th 32.213                 Cathy Morgan on Jets Chasin Fame              
    Round 1: 16.505, Round 2: 15.708                                        
  49th 32.693                 Kelley Drake on ALG Hez Gotta Hemi            
    Round 1: 14.963, Round 2: 17.730                                        
8:09 PM 04/16/18       Barrel Race America, Version 12.7               Page 8  
                 Fixed Payout Jackpot in Futurity SIP (Average)             
  50th 33.491                 Taylor Hildreth on Too Chains                 
    Round 1: 14.437, Round 2: 19.054                                        
  51st 33.528                 Lisa Groves on ALG Famous Look                
    Round 1: 16.901, Round 2: 16.627                                        
  52nd 33.916                 Kelly Conrado on CFour KissmyKasKelly         
    Round 1: 14.433, Round 2: 19.483                                        
  53rd 33.983                 Vauna Walker on French Goodbye                
    Round 1: 19.831, Round 2: 14.152                                        
  54th 33.985                 Kelly Conrado on SK IllMakeUFamous            
    Round 1: 14.709, Round 2: 19.276                                        
  55th 34.014                 Sue Smith on Hillbilly Bombshell              
    Round 1: 19.098, Round 2: 14.916                                        
  56th 34.116                 Timi Lickley on Hes Furious                   
    Round 1: 14.785, Round 2: 19.331                                        
  57th 34.236                 Hallie Hanssen on FrenchmansDiscoRose         
    Round 1: 14.300, Round 2: 19.936                                        
  58th 34.252                 Amy Coehlo on JA End Of An Era                
    Round 1: 14.444, Round 2: 19.808                                        
  59th 34.515                 Tammy Trollinger on Short Way Ta Fame         
    Round 1: 19.635, Round 2: 14.880                                        
  60th 34.569                 Shelley Holman on Wood B Fun                  
    Round 1: 19.520, Round 2: 15.049                                        
  61st 34.580                 Amy Coehlo on JA Flits Dry Malbec             
    Round 1: 15.059, Round 2: 19.521                                        
  62nd 35.025                 Hillary Van Gerpen on Hay Im Streakin         
    Round 1: 20.380, Round 2: 14.645                                        
  63rd 35.037                 Rusty Rae Quam on Blaze N Perks               
    Round 1: 14.729, Round 2: 20.308                                        
  64th 35.155                 Shey Walchli on Lady Bugs Treasure            
    Round 1: 15.221, Round 2: 19.934                                        
  65th 35.315                 Traci Bailey on Starlights Smoke N            
    Round 1: 14.233, Round 2: 21.082                                        
  66th 35.317                 Rusty Rae Quam on No Bull Just Fame           
    Round 1: 15.464, Round 2: 19.853           
  67th 35.442                 Lana Dacar on SL Silver Dollar                
    Round 1: 20.193, Round 2: 15.249                                        
  68th 35.783                 Rusty Rae Quam on Perkin Famously             
    Round 1: 15.115, Round 2: 20.668                                        
  69th 35.922                 Craig Stritzke on Guyz Suzy Q                 
    Round 1: 20.325, Round 2: 15.597                                        
  70th 36.667                 Rachelle Smith-Mose on Ril Cash Queen         
    Round 1: 15.297, Round 2: 21.370                                        
  71st 36.676                 Vauna Walker on DTF Major Magic               
    Round 1: 21.528, Round 2: 15.148                                        
  72nd 37.354                 Hallie Hanssen on Face The Facts Guyz         
    Round 1: 20.200, Round 2: 17.154                                        
  73rd 37.742                 Viki Friedrich on CJ Streak Of Baden          
    Round 1: 23.085, Round 2: 14.657                                        
  74th 38.806                 Erica Jaure on Snoops Pearl                   
    Round 1: 19.455, Round 2: 19.351                                        
  75th 38.998                 Jacqueline Widmer on Tres Times The Cash      
    Round 1: 19.338, Round 2: 19.660                                        
  76th 40.281                 Vauna Walker on Firewater Ta Go               
    Round 1: 14.951, Round 2: 25.330                                        
  77th 40.358                 Desirae Wheeler on TM Chocolate Hershey       
    Round 1: 20.307, Round 2: 20.051                                        
  78th 43.460                 Desirae Wheeler on TM KeepTheFireBurrnin      
    Round 1: 14.744, Round 2: 28.716                                        
  79th 44.969                 Buffy Walchli on Rock O Blazin Fame           
    Round 1: 20.110, Round 2: 24.859                                        
  80th 45.556                 Rose Hildebrandt on SL Dashing Dorcey         
    Round 1: 19.913, Round 2: 25.643                                        
SCR    400.000                Stacy Dysart on French Hotcee                 
    Round 1: 400.000, Round 2: 400.000                                      
N/T    400.000                Hope Sickler Raley on Roller And A Shaker     
    Round 1: 400.000, Round 2: 400.000                                      
SCR    400.000                Jordan Bassett on Morning Sun Shine           
    Round 1: 400.000, Round 2: 400.000                                      
SCR    400.000                Stevie Rae Willis on Dashing Millie McCoy     
    Round 1: 400.000, Round 2: 400.000                                      
SCR    400.000                Megan Lewis on Peek At My Fame                
    Round 1: 400.000, Round 2: 400.000                                      
SCR    400.000                Stacy Dysart on Famed By A Rooster            
    Round 1: 400.000, Round 2: 400.000                                      
N/T    400.000                Jordan Bailey on Frosted Judge                
    Round 1: 19.565, Round 2: 405.545                                       
N/T    400.000                Barb West on HI Pockets Fame                  
    Round 1: 420.288, Round 2: 15.283                                       
SCR    400.000                Craig Stritzke on Guyz Smooth Amber           
    Round 1: 400.000, Round 2: 400.000                                      
SCR    400.000                Margaret Jones on Miss Run On Fame            
    Round 1: 400.000, Round 2: 400.000                                      
SCR    400.000                Taryn Bruner on Pay Cash For Gold             
    Round 1: 400.000, Round 2: 400.000